Friday, November 14, 2008

xoxo, panda

In about a half hour I'll be off to Chicago. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with some people at Columbia. The school is pretty fantastic but I don't exactly see myself living in Chicago. Oh well, I at least owe it a chance. Especially, because I might be getting a scholarship there. They special in media, communications, and fine arts. It seems like there would be a lot of people to collab with and many new friends to meet.
Monday I have a photoshoot for an energy drink. I'm suppose to be like the bad rock n roll esque girl and the girl next to me is going to be like a classy blonde. Should be a good time, I'm excited.

On that note, last week I did a photoshoot for my new winter collection entitled "Cross Bone Style", named after the song, of course. Its three dresses that I wanted out for the holiday season but I won't be finishing my main winter collection till the begining of december.
The winter collection is going to be really dark, and sort of will scream "NUCULAR FUCKING WINTER"... in a good way, haha.

Anyways, I've got to pack...
lots of love,

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